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2023/10/9 14:06:32人浏览


田雪虹,女,副教授,硕士生导师,主要从事非线性控制理论、海洋机器人、多智能体系统及其应用方面的研究,以第一作者或通讯作者发表论文10 余篇,其中SCI 收录9篇,EI 收录2 篇;授权发明专利3项,实用新型3项,软件著作权5项;主持市厅级科研项目2项,参与省部级项目2项,市厅级项目4项,校级2项;已发表教改论文3篇。


[1] Peijun Weng, Xuehong Tian*, Haitao Liu, Qingqun Mai. Distributed edge-based event-triggered optimal formation control for air-sea heterogeneous multiagent systems [J]. Ocean Engineering, 2023, 288:116066.

[2] Tian, Xuehong, Xin Huang, Haitao Liu, Qingqun Mai.Adaptive Fuzzy Event-Triggered Cooperative Control for Multi-Robot Systems: A Predefined-Time Strategy[J]. Sensors,2023,  23(18): 7950.

[3] Tian Xuehong, Lin Jianfei, Liu Haitao*, Huang Xiuying. Event-Triggered Finite-Time Formation Control of Underactuated Multiple ASVs with Prescribed Performance and Collision Avoidance[J]. Sensors, 2023, 23(15): 6756.

[4] Liu Haitao, Weng Peijun*, Tian Xuehong*, Mai Qingqun. Distributed adaptive fixed-time formation control for UAV-USV heterogeneous multi-agent systems [J]. Ocean Engineering, 2023, 267:113240. (SCI二区, Top)

[5]   Wang Zhicheng, Tian Xuehong*, Mai Qingqun, Liu Haitao. Fixed-time composite robust H∞ tracking control of marine surface vessels based on the barrier Lyapunov function and an event-triggered strategy [J]. Ocean Engineering, 2022, 261:112113. (SCI二区, Top)

[6] Tian Xuehong, Wang Zhicheng*, Yuan Jianbin and Liu Haitao.  Robust Fixed-Time H Trajectory Tracking Control for Marine Surface Vessels Based on a Self-Structuring Neural Network[J]. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, 2022: 6515773. (SCI三区)

[7] Tian Xuehong, Liu Hanlao, Liu Haitao*. Robust finite-time consensus control for multi-agent systems with disturbances and unknown velocities [J]. ISA Transactions. 2018, 80: 73-80. (SCI二区)

[8] Liu Haitao, Chen Guangjun, Tian Xuehong*. Cooperative formation control for multiple surface vessels based on barrier Lyapunov function and self-structuring neural networks [J]. Ocean Engineering, 2020, 216(108163):1-11. (SCI 一区, Top)

[9]  Zou Lanpian, Liu Haitao, Tian Xuehong*. Robust Neural Network Trajectory-Tracking Control of Underactuated Surface Vehicles Considering Uncertainties and Unmeasurable Velocities[J]. IEEE Access ,2021, 9: 117629-117638. (SCI 二区)

[10] Liu Haitao, Nie Jianhao, Sun Jian, Tian Xuehong*. Adaptive Super-Twisting Sliding Mode Control for Mobile Robots Based on High-Gain Observers [J]. Journal of Control Science and Engineering, 2020, 2020:4048507. (EI)

[11] 田雪虹, 刘海涛. “新工科”背景下创新创业人才培养初探 [J]. 工业和信息化教育, 2019, 10): 13-16+23.

[12] 田雪虹, 刘海涛. 疫情防控期间“电气控制与PLC应用”线上教学实践研究 [J]. 工业和信息化教育, 2020, 12: 35-38.

[13] 田雪虹. 工程教育专业认证下《机械控制工程基础》课程教学改革 [J]. 装备制造技术, 2021, 02: 139-141+158.

[14]  Liu Haitao*, Tian Xuehong, Wang Gui and Zhang Tie. Finite-Time H∞ Control for High-Precision Tracking in Robotic Manipulators Using Backstepping Control [J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2016, 63(9): 5501-5513. (SCI一区)

[15]  Chen Guangjun, Tian Xuehong, Liu Haitao*. Robust trajectory tracking control of a marine surface vessel using asymmetric error constraints and output feedback [J]. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2020, 30(18): 8545-8563. (SCI二区)

[16] 刘海涛*,田雪虹,俞国燕,王贵,刘焕牢等. 一类不确定非线性系统的有限时间输出调节方法[J]. 电机与控制学报, 2017, 21(10): 108-115. (EI)

[17] 刘海涛, 田雪虹, 王贵. 高性能欠驱动水面机器人的有限时间跟踪控制 [J]. 应用科学学报, 2016, 34(02): 203-214.

[18] Chen Guangjun, Tian Xuehong*, Liu Haitao. Adaptive Neural Network Control of a Marine Surface Vessel with Output Constrains [C]. Proceedings of the 2020 35th Youth Academic Annual Conference of Chinese Association of Automation (YAC), 2020: 83-88.

[19] Du Guangshuo, Liu Haitao, Tian Xuehong*. High-precision position predictive control of mobile robot based on LSTM algorithm [C]. Proceedings of the 2020 Chinese Automation Congress (CAC), 2020: 3798-3803.


      [1] 田雪虹;祁正鸿;翁宸宇;张桂雄;张科; 一种多航态复合驱动水下机器人控制系统及其控制方法, 2023-08-01, 中国,ZL202211110908.9(发明专利)

[2] 田雪虹;黄鑫;麦青群;刘海涛; 基于预设性能的多机械臂预定义时间H∞一致性控制方法, 2023-06-23,中国,ZL202211401365.6(发明专利)

[3] 田雪虹; 何靖文; 黄秀颖; 刘海涛; 黄子鹏 ; 一种海上浮油回收机器人, 2021-9-24, 中国, ZL202122316798.9 (实用新型)

[4] 区子聪; 田雪虹; 梁建民; 李志军; 李键; 王宇林; 刘海涛; 何建辉; 陈锐霖; 黄子鹏 ; 一种实现图像匹配的智能仿生鱼及其群体协同工作系统, 2019-1-24, 中国, ZL201920123008.5  (实用新型)

[5] 高速上下料机器人控制系统,2019,中国,计算机软件著作权,登记号:2020SR0036248。

[6] 面向电饭煲行业的自动整形机器人控制系统, 2020, 中国,计算机软件著作权,登记号:2020SR0637063。

[7] 电饭煲内胆滚压机器人控制系统, 2020, 中国,计算机软件著作权,登记号:2020SR0601162。

[8] 一种立式家用洗发机器人,2022,中国,实用新型:ZL202120725323.2

[9] 基于STM32的水下仿生三指机械手控制系统,2021,中国,计算机软件著作权,登记号:2021SR2132779

[10] 基于PLC的多级粉体粉碎机组控制系统,2021,中国,计算机软件著作权,登记号:2021SR0007656


[1] 欠驱动多无人艇自适应预设综合性能协同一致性研究 (编号:JCYJ20220530162014033,经费:30万元),深圳市科技计划资助。起止日期:2022.10.28-2025.10.31, 排名第一。

[2] 多机器人系统的分布式鲁棒H∞有限时间一致性研究 (编号:2018A0303130076,经费:10万), 广东省自然科学基金项目,起止日期:2018.5-2021.4. 排名第二

[3] 面向电饭锅行业的智能整形机器人研发 (编号:2017A02025, ,经费:10万), 湛江市科技攻关项目,起止日期:2018.1.1~2019.12.31. 排名第二

[4] 海上浮油智能回收机器人系统研发(编号:2020B01267),湛江市科技攻关计划项目,起止日期:2020.7-2021.8,主持

[5] 线上线下混合教学改革与探索-以《机械控制工程基础》为例(编号:10217062102),广东海洋大学,起止日期:2021.10-2023.10, 经费:2万元,主持。

[6] 金课建设背景下专业核心课程建设与改革——以《自动控制原理》课程为例(编号:010201062107),广东海洋大学,起止日期:2021.10-2023.10,经费:1万元,主持。

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